Many times you may find that what you wish to accomplish with your uploads or downloads cannot be done with a purely server-side solution. The nature of the Internet requires a component to operate on the client's machine to achieve some functionality.
Users often have trouble solving problems because the browsers don't support viable solutions.
To address these needs that we offer a client-side tool, SoftArtisans XFile. Xfile is included with FileUp
Professional Edition (FileUpPE) or can be purchased separately.
Situation | Corresponding Example | Limit the files you upload to a specific type. You can restrict the types of files after they are uploaded, as demonstrated in the FileUp Restrict File Types example. But restricting file types before they leave the client is an excellent way to conserve bandwidth and server resources. Additionally, error handling can be provided to the user before a trip to the server is made, allowing corrections to be made in the least amount of time. |
Restricting Files Before Uploading | |
Upload files in a directory tree while preserving its subdirectories and contents. | Directory Upload |
Download multiple files in what appears to the end user to be just one action. | Simultaneous Downloading of Multiple Files |
Provide client-side progress indication for both uploads and downloads. | Adding a Progress Indicator |
Automate downloading. | Presetting Files for Download |
Automatate uploading. | Automated Uploads Information |
For the following groups of examples to work properly, you need to have XFile installed on your system. If you are interested in an evaluation version, navigate to the SoftArtisans download page.
The following examples demonstrate client-side solutions, using both
Restricting Files Before Uploading
Simultaneous Downloading of Multiple Files
The examples do not contain complete code. You will find many complete applications, including error handling, in FileUp's Samples directory. |