When you upload a file to the server, it is cached before you save it. On an ASP page, you can specify where you want to cache the file on the server, using SoftArtisans FileUp's Path property . The Pathproperty must be set before the script references any form elements, which would force the upload to be cached. The timing of caching is explained in more detail in the topic Understanding Permissions.
Dim fileUpload
Set fileUpload = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
fileUpload.Path = “C:\MyCachingDirectory�?
If you do not assign a value to the Path
property, uploads will be cached in your system's default directory for cached
files. Unless otherwise configured, the default directory is typically C:\winnt\tempor C:\temp. You can assign a different default directory for cached files
by setting the TEMP environment as a system variable.
To set a default directory for cached files: