Adding a Server-Side Progress Indicator
FileUp includes a server-side progress indicator that can be displayed to the user
using HTML. The server-side progress indicator lets you know how much of the entire
upload has arrived at the server. In an upload from the browser to an ASP page,
include the progress indicator in a separate page. In this page, you can get and
display to the user:
You can use HTML techniques to customize the output effect, and display a counter
or a progress bar.
EnableSessionState Directive
The progress indicator needs to operate outside of the current session in order
to refresh properly. In order to maintain session state, ASP must serialize all
requests for that session. To allow the progress indicator to execute outside of
a session, the following directive must be added to the progress indicator page:
Setting the EnableSessionState directive to False allows the progress indicator
page's request to be processed on a separate thread. This allows the progress indicator
to update itself while the upload continues to be processed on another thread. If
this directive is not set, or is set to true, then the progress indicator
is queued until the upload finishes. At this point, the progress indicator can now
be updated, but the upload is complete, so the indicator jumps immediately from
0% to 100%.
The upload form and processing page can participate in the session as usual.
The following lines are from an application that contains three scripts: form.asp,
formresp.asp and progress.asp. Form.asp submits the file to the upload processing
page formresp.asp. Progress.asp contains the progress indicator.
Form.asp |
... <% '--- Instantiate the FileUpProgress object. Set progress = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUpProgress")
'--- Get the next available progress ID. '--- The progress ID is how the progress indicator and FileUp '--- sychronize with each other. intProgressID = progress.NextProgressID %> ... <head> <script language="javascript"> <i>/*
This function makes sure that the progress indicator and server-side processing page receive the new progress ID we just created. Also, it pops up the
progress window. */</i> function startupload() { winstyle="height=150,width=500,status=no,_ toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no";"progress.asp?progressid=<%=intProgressID%>",_
"_blank",winstyle); document.theForm.action="formresp.asp?progressid=<%=intProgressID%>"; } </script> </head> <body> ... <form onSubmit="startupload();" id="theForm"
name="theForm" action="formresp.asp"
enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <p>Enter Filename:</p> <input type="file" id="myFile" name="myFile" /> <p>Click "Browse" to select a file to upload</p> <input type="submit" id="sub1" name="sub1" value="Upload File" /> </form> ...
Formresp.asp |
<% '--- Instantiate the FileUp object Set fileUpload = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
'--- Assign the same progress ID that we assigned to the progress object fileUpload.ProgressID = CInt(Request.QueryString("progressid"))
fileUpload.Path = "C:\temp" ... fileUpload.Form("myFile").Save ... %>
Progress.asp |
<%@ language=VBScript ENABLESESSIONSTATE=False %> <% '----------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- This is the progress indicator itself. It refreshes every second '--- to re-read the file progress properties, which are updated thoughout '--- the upload. '----------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- Declarations Dim progress Dim intProgressID Dim intPercentComplete Dim intBytesTransferred Dim intTotalBytes Dim bDone
intPercentComplete = 0 intBytesTransferred = 0 intTotalBytes = 0
'--- Instantiate the FileUpProgress object Set progress = Server.CreateObject("Softartisans.FileUpProgress")
'--- Set the ProgressID with the value we submitted from the form page progress.ProgressID = CInt(Request.QueryString("progressid"))
'--- Read the values of the progress indicator's properties intPercentComplete = progress.Percentage intBytesTransferred = progress.TransferredBytes intTotalBytes = progress.TotalBytes
%> <html> <head> <% '--- If the upload isn't complete, continue to refresh If intPercentComplete < 100 Then bDone = False Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=1>") Else bDone = True End If %> </head> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><b>FileUp Progress
Indicator</b></td> <td colspan="2"><b>Status:
<% If bDone Then Response.Write("Complete!") Else
Response.Write("Sending") End If %> </b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Progress ID </td> <td>Graphic Indicator</td> <td>Transferred Bytes</td> <td>Total Bytes</td> <td>Transferred Percentage</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><%=progress.progressid%></td> <td> <table bordercolor="black"
border="1" cellspacing="0" align="left"
width="<%=intPercentComplete%>%"> <tr> <td
align="right" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <B><%=intPercentComplete%></b></td> </tr> </table> <% Response.Write("</td>") Response.Write "<td align="center">" & intBytesTransferred & "</td>"
If progress.TotalBytes > 0 Then Response.Write("<td align="center">" & intTotalBytes
& "</td>" & _ "<td align="center">" & intPercentComplete
& "%</td>" ) Else Response.Write ("<td align="center">" & "N/A" &
"</td>" & _ "<td align="center">" & "N/A" &
"</td>") End If
%> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
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