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Programmer's Reference > ExcelApplication API > Area

The Area Object

An Area object represents a rectangular set of cells.

To create an Area object, call Worksheet.CreateArea.


ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xla.Create();
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheet(0);;
Area a = ws.CreateArea(4, 4, 15, 6);
Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
Dim ws As Worksheet = wb(0)
Dim a As Area = ws.CreateArea(4, 4, 15, 6)

Area Properties

Property Type Access Description
AllColumnWidths double write

Sets the width - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of all columns in the Area

AllColumnWidthsInChars double write

Sets or returns the width of all columns in this Area as a number of '0' characters in the font of the 'Normal' style

AllRowsHeight double write

Sets the height - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of all rows in this Area

ArrayFormula String read

Sets or returns an array entered formula

BorderAround Border read

Returns a Border object that represents a border around the area

ColumnCount int read

Sets or returns the number of columns in the area

Dimensions String read

Sets or returns the dimensions of the area in the format "A1:B7"

FirstColumn int read

Sets or returns the 0-based number of the first column within the rectangular area of cells

FirstRow int read

Sets or returns the 0-based number of the first row within the rectangular area of cells

Item Cell read

Returns a cell within the specified area of cells

PopulatedCells Area read

Returns a rectanglular area of cells from the first (top, left) populated cell to the last (bottom, right) populated cell in the Area

RowCount int read

Sets or returns the number of rows in the area

WorksheetIndex int read

Returns the 0-based index of the worksheet that contains the specified area

Area Methods

ReturnsSignature and Description
void ApplyStyle ( Style style )

Applies a style to the area

void AutoFitHeight ( )

Sets the height of each of the rows within the area to the height of the highest cell value in that row within the bounds of the Area.

void AutoFitWidth ( )

Sets the width of each of the columns within the area to the width of the widest cell value in that column within the bounds of the Area.

void ClearContent ( )

Clears the content of all cells in the area

Hyperlink CreateHyperlink ( String href )

Creates a new hyperlink in the area pointing to the specified href

double GetColumnWidth ( int columnIndex )

Returns the width - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of the specified column

double GetColumnWidthInChars ( int columnIndex )

Sets or returns the width of the column as a number of '0' characters in the font of the 'Normal' style

double GetRowHeight ( int rowIndex )

Returns the height - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of the specified row

void GroupColumns ( boolean collapsed )
roups or outlines the columns contained within the area
void GroupRows ( boolean collapsed )

Groups or outlines the rows contained within the area

Area ImportData ( Object[,] data )

Imports data from a rectangular array of objects to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( Object[,] data , String[] columnNames , DataImportProperties props )

Imports data from a rectangular array of objects to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( Object[][] data )

Imports data from a two-dimensional array of objects to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( Object[][] data , String[] columnNames , DataImportProperties properties )

Imports data from a two-dimensional array of objects to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.DataTable data )

Imports data from an ADO.NET DataTable to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.DataTable data , DataImportProperties props )

Imports data from an ADO.NET DataTable to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.DataView data )

Imports data from an ADO.NET DataView to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.DataView data , DataImportProperties props )

Imports data from an ADO.NET DataView to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.IDataReader data )

Imports data from an IDataReader to the specified Area

Area ImportData ( System.Data.IDataReader data , DataImportProperties props )

Imports data from an IDataReader to the specified Area

void MergeCells ( )

Merges all cells in the area into a single cell

void SetColumnWidth ( int columnIndex , double width )

Sets the width - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of the specified column

void SetColumnWidthInChars ( int columnIndex , double width )

Sets or returns the width of the column as a number of '0' characters in the font of the 'Normal' style

void SetRowHeight ( int rowIndex , double height )

Sets the height - in points (1/72 of an inch) - of the specified row

void SetStyle ( Style style )

Sets or returns a style for the area

void UngroupColumns ( )

Ungroups the columns within the area

void UngroupRows ( )

Ungroups the rows within the area

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